I was thinking...

So I was thinking yesterday and today. One of my resolutions/intentions is to get over my wreck totally meaning, I don't cry about it, etc. Well I guess I need to add anger to that. Before my wreck, I only had one payment left on my car. I had things I wanted to move forward to when I had gotten it paid off. I was going to save a lot of money. I wasn't so freaked when I lost my job because I wasn't going to be paying many more payments. Well then my wreck happened. Now I've got a $215 car payment again. I know it could be a lot more though. I just found myself getting angry because my plans were interrupted.
Then after that, I thought again. I can't be getting angry. Ashley's family lost a lot more than I did. They lost her. Crystal wrote me a message the other day and told me that she didn't hate me and that she never would because she knows that it wasn't my fault.
All this is one more step towards me getting over this. Pray for me.


Cameo said...

Keri, I am praying for you, all the time. It's a hard thing to get over. I was in my sister and my car accident 4 1/4 years ago and it still bothers me. Not just because of the constant pain that I have as a reminder, but I still have dreams, nightmares, thoughts etc... To this day I've only gone through that intersection once since the accident. I know what it's like. It will get easier though. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

Keri said...

Yeah it is hard to get over. I had to go by that place every time I go to work. I guess I could go the long way around, but I don't. I think it really helped though when I spoke to her mom and then her sister sent me the message. I think that's helped me a lot. Thanks for your prayers.