He's Awesome


I wrote a little about tithing HERE a couple of weeks ago. Well, since we've started tithing, I still pray and ask God to help us out.  No, Derek hasn't found a job yet, but there are still things that have happened that make me know that its God.

Today, I knew I had to pay my Visa bill. I was dreading looking at it because I thought it was past due.  I pulled up the website and the payment was my normal payment and there was no past due balance! WHAT?! I just knew that there was some past due amount left from last month.  NO! THERE WASN'T! When I looked at my past payment, I had been able to make 2 payments on that bill last month!  I didn't realize I had done that. 

Its just so amazing that I can ask God for a simple thing, and he allows me to indulge in awesomeness.  I've still got plenty of other prayer requests. I'm not going to say they are unanswered because all prayers are answered.  Its not always the answer that we want, but it is always 1 of 3 answers.  Yes. No. Wait.  My prayer requests could be getting a wait answer. Which is fine. I know that God is working in his own way and it will be in his own time that I see what the answer will be. 

God is awesome.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

This was a great post. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded of all the great things God does for us.